How to Train Your Great Pyrenees Using A Prong Collar 

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I have never been a fan of these collars, honestly because I felt like they choke the dog and are super harsh for them, but after paying someone $1,500 to train my Great Pyrenees I am finding out that these collars are a MUST.  Why? Because my dog went from being a pulling, uncontrollable fluff ball to one that minds and will listen to anything I say.  I am teaching Dolly Snow how to be a good dog on walks, and since I push a double stroller with my 2 kiddos, having her walk right beside us is AMAZING!  

Here are the best tips I can give when it comes to working with a big dog and using a prong collar.  

  1. Choose a Consistent Side – When you are about to leave, choose a side to ALWAYS walk your dog on, I am left-handed so she is always on my left side. When I leave I say the command, “Let’s go.” and walk at the same time.  Having a command with an action is crucial for all dogs, especially if they ever end up losing their hearing.  
  2. Keep Them From Sniffing The Ground – Make sure they don’t put their nose to the ground because it’s like the internet for them, they will lose focus and the goal is for them to walk and get their exercise with you as the owner.  
  3. Correct Holding Position – Always hold your arm down at your side because if you swing it around the collar will restrict your dog, so make sure you always keep it at your side.
  4. Have Them Sit – When you stop, gently pull up on the leash, and don’t say anything until she sits, once that happens, let go of the tension and the release of the collar is their reward.  
  5. Use the Free Command – If you want them to be a dog on their walk and sniff around or play with another dog, have her sit, and put your arm out in front of her (as if you are presenting something), and say the word “Free” at the same time.  When it’s time to go, say, “Let’s Go” and walk while doing that.  
  6. Practice Time – Do 15-minute walks 3 times a day for 1 week so it sticks!
  7. Kennel Time – Have them sit in their kennel for an hour afterward.  I didn’t like this and honestly feel pretty bad about it still, but research shows that if you let them go about their normal day afterward they will not retain half as much information as they do if you have them chill out in their kennel.  You will also be able to pick up where you left off when you go on another walk. 
  8. Buy a High-Quality Collar – Get a collar that doesn’t rust and you can add prongs to it if your dog will continue to grow. 

I just have to mention this because I feel it’s super important.  I was told by my trainer to never bring Dolly around a dog that I am not sure is friendly or not.  She said that if I do and the dog doesn’t end up being pleasant, she will be ruined for the rest of her life.  My goal is for my dog to become a therapy dog, which is why she is being trained, if she becomes ruined by an aggressive dog and is skittish everywhere she goes, all the money I spend will go out the window.  

So, when you walk your dog, take the normal routes, and carry things like mace so you’re prepared for stray dogs running up to yours. I had a horrible experience when walking my golden retriever once when 2 big dogs were being walked by a little girl and broke free from the leash.  They attacked my golden, and I had to jump on top of her to prevent them from grabbing her neck, which I realized was not very smart at the time, but luckily she received no injuries because of it.  

In conclusion –

The one thing that I have noticed with my dog and my relationship with her is that we have bonded so much more now that she knows I am in control.  Especially when I take her outside, dogs actually like having boundaries and knowing what they can and cannot do.  They are a lot like children in that way.  Don’t feel bad about buying this collar, know that it will really end up helping you out in the long run, and who knows, maybe someday you won’t have to use it anymore.  I hope this article helped!