4 Reasons Why We Should “Blow up” principals of the Bible

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A couple months ago, I ended up forgetting the book I was reading at my aunt’s house and I realized that maybe God’s plan was to get me to read my Bible more than I read the other book. 

Even though there are biblical truths in the book I was reading there should be no substitution or comparison to the Bible itself.  

The secret to making the Bible the BEST book to read is this…

Blow it up !  – Blow up the fact that God says He loves you.  Blow up that fact that you are a NEW creation, and nothing can separate you from His love.  If we do this, there should be no reason we can’t be the most positive people on earth.  

Why Blowing the facts in the Bible up is going to help – 

  1. All the trials and tribulations we go through won’t defeat us because we BELIEVE we are set apart and that God loves us even in the midst of those circumstances.  
  2. The Lord truly becomes a loving Father and one we run to with any problems because He is our Dad.  
  3. We start reading the Bible because we know it’s ALIVE, full truth, and every time we open it we believe God wants to speak to us.  We are excited that He came and that He loves us so deeply that He sent His SON to die for us!
  4. It makes you just want to sit at His feet and thank Him over and over for what He has done and what He keeps doing.  

This high is something I just want so many people to experience because life as a Christian should be one without complaints, depression and darkness because we are supposed to BLOW EVERYTHING UP on a regular basis.  We become so excited about Jesus and who He is that we actually begin to LOVE ourselves.  

One time at work I had someone tell me that I needed to go into the closet for a couple days to cool off from being so on fire for the Lord.  Honestly, I have never been happier than when I am on fire for Him.  I have no intention of going into the closet because I just want to be busy BLOWING everything up! 

Live Your Best Life – https://ericakoster.com

Source – https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/how-should-christians-make-the-most-of-every-opportunity.html#:~:text=Ephesians%205%3A15%2D16%20tells,the%20most%20of%20every%20opportunity.