What Makes God So Different…

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I grew up with God being there to pray to, but that is about it. Since the trials I have faced, I found out that God is WAY different than what I grew up understanding Him to be. The Bible says He doesn’t look at appearance.. or what you have done.. He looks at the HEART and the people who Surrender their life to Him…

Like… Everything you have ever done He forgives AND forgets. There are so many people that talk to me about how they just don’t understand how God forgives them, or they are just always stuck in their past. Don’t let the devil keep you there. Don’t let the devil tell you that you aren’t good enough to be saved because Jesus died for ALL not one. There are devil driven people in the world and they have taken out SO many, if only they knew whose voice they were listening to, they never would have done what they did to you or your family.

God looks at the heart. He looks at the sacrifice you are making to just KNOW Him more. He never will look at past things that were done, He brings NEW LIFE so why would He? Jesus said, “Don’t put new wine into an old wine skin.” He meant you have to become brand new in your mind to really feel the love and peace that comes from His resurrection.

Religion has made God out to be extremely boring, strict, and unloving, but a legit FRIEND relationship with Him knows no bounds. That is what transforms you into a person who says they are Christian, versus a person who actually lives that life out. He changes you, and it is absolutely beautiful.

A surrendered heart looks like someone who is FULL of peace, who no matter what their trials are that come, they constantly look at the one who created them, and they go to Him for guidance. They don’t get caught up in he-said she-said drama, they know they are forgiven of everything they have ever done, so they never question forgiving someone else who has wronged them.

I want to be surrounded by people who have made Him Lord over their life, I don’t want to go to church just to check it off my list and move on with my week. I want to be surrounded by people who have surrendered to Him. They are different from the world, there is something about them that you just don’t quite understand, and they honestly look like Jesus in their thoughts and their actions.

I never want to “fall asleep” or take for granted who I used to be or what I was before Jesus came and pulled me out of it… I just wanna lift my hands, cry, thank Him.. Away from Him I got absolutely nothing.. But WITH Him I have everything… His love transcends into us the more we let Him into our lives… I need it you guys… The peace that comes with it is the best thing ever!! .. Let your heart be His.. He will be the best choice you will ever make ❤️

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