7 Tips on How to Master Off-Leash Walks with Your Great Pyrenees

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Walking your Great Pyrenees without a leash can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone.  However, it’s important to approach off-leash walking with caution and proper training to ensure the safety of your dog and those around you. 

Here are some tips to help you successfully walk your Great Pyrenees off-leash: 

1. Start with Basic Obedience Training: Before attempting off-leash walking, make sure your Great Pyrenees has mastered basic obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “heel.” This foundation will form the basis of their off-leash training. 

2. Use a Fenced Area for Initial Training: Begin off-leash training in a secure, fenced area to minimize the risk of your dog running off. Practice calling your dog to “come” and rewarding them with treats and praise when they respond appropriately. Sometimes certain treats just don’t mean as much, so if you have it in your budget, freeze dried meat treats are my dog’s favorite.  

3. Gradually Increase Distractions: As your Great Pyrenees becomes more reliable off-leash in a fenced area, gradually introduce distractions such as other dogs, people, or wildlife. Use high-value treats and plenty of positive reinforcement to encourage your dog to stay focused on you. Sometimes having a play-date with another dog that is a friend is a good idea because that will really challenge their listening skills.  

4. Choose the Right Environment: When you’re ready to take your Great Pyrenees off-leash in an unfenced area, select a quiet and safe environment free from traffic and other potential hazards. Parks and open fields can be good options for off-leash walks. 

5. Stay Attentive and Vigilant: Even when walking off-leash, it’s essential to stay attentive to your dog’s behavior and body language. Be prepared to call your dog back to you if they become distracted or start to wander too far. This is hard to do if you have kids that you need to be paying attention to, so I would suggest training your dog at night when you don’t have to pay attention to anything else.  

6. Consider Using a Long Line or Shock Collar: If you’re not yet confident in your Great Pyrenees’ off-leash reliability, consider using a long line as a safety measure. A long line allows your dog to roam and explore while giving you the ability to quickly regain control if necessary.

Shock collars can be used on Great Pyrenees dogs, but just make sure you train them the right way.  If they aren’t listening, always start with a beep before the shock, if you need to use the shock, make sure they come to you afterwards and you can reward them with a treat.  Eventually all it will take is the beep or vibration (depending on the collar you buy) to get them to come back.  This collar is the top seller on Amazon right now.  

7. Be Mindful of Leash Laws: Before walking your Great Pyrenees off-leash in public areas, familiarize yourself with local leash laws and regulations. Always ensure that off-leash walking is permitted in the area you plan to visit. I just looked up the laws in our little town, and I did not find any leash laws, but did find out what will happen if my dog is aggressive!  Hopefully she will never be aggressive, but now I know what will happen!:)

Remember, off-leash walking is a privilege that requires responsible ownership and a well-trained dog. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can enjoy the freedom and joy of walking your Great Pyrenees without a leash while keeping them safe and under control.

Common FAQ’s

  1. Can Great Pyrenees walk off leash?

Great Pyrenees can be trained to walk off-leash, but it requires careful training and obedience work. It’s important to start with basic obedience training and gradually introduce off-leash walking in a secure, fenced area before attempting it in open spaces. 

  1. How to get a Great Pyrenees to stop pulling on leash?

To get a Great Pyrenees to stop pulling on the leash, it’s crucial to focus on consistent training and positive reinforcement. Using commands such as “heel” and rewarding good behavior with treats can help encourage loose-leash walking. 

  1. Can Great Pyrenees walk off leash?

When walking a Great Pyrenees, it’s important to use a sturdy leash and harness to maintain control, especially if the dog is not yet trained for off-leash walking. Additionally, providing mental stimulation and regular exercise can help prevent behavioral issues during walks. 

  1. What is the best exercise for a Great Pyrenees?

The best exercise for a Great Pyrenees includes long walks, hikes, and other activities that allow them to use their natural instincts, such as tracking and herding. Engaging in interactive games and providing them with ample space to roam and play can also help keep them physically and mentally healthy.