13 Tips on How to Know Jesus 

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I lived my whole life until I was married where I thought God was just in the sky in a box somewhere, and I needed to try to be better so I could get rewarded in heaven.  I never realized how good life could be when I have an intimate relationship with Jesus. When I know His voice, and He knows me, literally EVERYTHING changes.  I feel like a different person and I just want people to have this same closeness with Him..  It will not only make your life much better, but it will make the world better too because the people who know Jesus, and I mean really know Him bear fruit that is unlike anything else.  They are kind, loving, and they are not swayed by storms as easily as most Christians are.  In this article we will be looking at some ways we can get to know Him. 

Here are 13 tips on how to know Jesus more intimately: 

1. Read the Bible. The Bible is the primary source of knowledge about Jesus, so take the time to read it regularly. You can start with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, which tell the story of Jesus’ life and teachings. When you read, work on trying to believe that the book is ALIVE and with every passage, God is trying to tell you something.  

2. Pray. Prayer is a powerful way to connect with Jesus and ask for his guidance in your life. Make time for prayer every day, whether it’s in the morning, at night, or throughout the day. When you pray, remember not to just talk, but listen too.  If you hear a loving and kind voice speak back to you (even if it’s just a whisper) believe it is God.  

 3. Attend church. Going to church is a great way to learn more about Jesus and connect with other Christians. Find a church that feels like home to you and make it a regular part of your routine. PLEASE do not believe that everyone at church (including the pastor) knows Jesus.  The devil can get to and even wants to get to the people that are supposed to “represent” Jesus the most.  If your pastor gives you negative vibes or ends up doing something totally wrong please don’t dismiss Jesus.  The pastor isn’t Jesus, and humans are not perfect.  Remember, the bible says you will know true Christians by their fruits.  Don’t let people in church who don’t know God turn you away from getting to know Him yourself.  

4. Join a small group. Small groups are a great way to deepen your understanding of Jesus and build relationships with other Christians. Look for a group that focuses on studying the Bible or discussing faith topics.  These are GREAT ways to sharpen your faith if you have people who have the same goals.  It is the way I learned so much about the Holy Spirit.  

 5. Serve others. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors and serve those in need. Look for opportunities to volunteer in your community or at your church. It helps also to ask God who you want to help and if someone comes to mind go DO IT!:)

 6. Listen to Christian music. Listening to Christian music can be a great way to connect with Jesus and feel his presence in your life. Find artists that inspire you and listen to their music regularly. There are just some songs that HIT differently.  Find your songs and make them your Anthem’s.  Mine for a LONG time was, “Always Good” by Bethel.

7. Memorize Scripture. Memorizing Bible verses can help you internalize Jesus’ teachings and apply them to your life. Start with short verses and work your way up to longer passages. Grab a notebook and get a good verse and just write it 3 times in the morning and at night.  I really like color coordinating my bible.  I use colored pencils and underline words in blue if it’s talking about who I am in Christ, green if it’s telling me to do something, purple if it’s telling me God’s characteristics, and you can come up with your own as well! 

8. Seek guidance from a pastor or mentor. If you have questions about your faith or want to deepen your understanding of Jesus, seek guidance from a pastor or mentor. They can offer guidance and support as you grow in your faith. We had a pastor when we lived in Maine that honestly brought us closer to God and helped us understand what being a Christian means!  I understand not all pastors are like that, but they are out there.  

9. Practice forgiveness. Forgiving others is a key teaching of Jesus, so make forgiveness a regular practice in your life. Let go of grudges and resentments and focus on love and compassion. Please see the blog post I have about why it’s so important to forgive people.  

10. Keep a gratitude journal. Gratitude is an important part of knowing Jesus, so make a habit of writing down the things you’re thankful for each day. This can help you stay focused on the positive and cultivate a sense of gratitude in your life. 

11. Have Faith.  The definition of faith is believing in what you don’t see, so with everything you read in the bible about Jesus, actually start believing it and don’t doubt.  Jesus says to come to Him when you are weary and heavy burdened and He will give you rest.  We just have to believe that when we close the door, He is there, when we close our eyes, He is who we see.  When we choose to look to Him, He is right there guiding us.  Every good and perfect thing is from above, so if the voice in our head is deceiving or evil, it isn’t Jesus.  

12. Share your faith. Don’t be afraid to share your faith with others. Talk to your friends and family about Jesus and how he’s impacted your life. You never know who you might inspire or help along the way. In conclusion, knowing Jesus is a lifelong journey that requires dedication, patience, and an open heart. Use these 11 tips to deepen your relationship with Jesus and discover his love and grace in your life.

13. Treat Him as a friend you can’t see. When we realize just how close He is, and tune into Him at all moments of the day, we start to hear His thoughts and become like Him.  Jesus said follow me and the things I do you will also do on earth.  People are casting demons out of people in Jesus name, bones are being healed, metal plates are disappearing from people’s bodies…The news just doesn’t talk about it.  Miracles are happening!  Jesus wants to be as close to us as we will let Him be.  It’s the most peace we will feel EVER.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I start getting to know Jesus?

Starting to get to know Jesus can be a life-changing experience for many people. For some, this journey can be intimidating and confusing. However, it is a journey that is worth taking. Here are some tips on how to get started. 1. Read the Bible: The Bible is God’s word, and it is the most significant source of information about Jesus. Start reading the New Testament, which is the part of the Bible that talks about Jesus’ life, teachings, and ministry. 2. Pray: Prayer is a vital part of getting to know Jesus. Prayer is talking to God, and it is a way to build an intimate relationship with Him. Ask God to help you understand His word and to reveal Himself to you. 3. Join a Church: A church is a community of believers who worship and serve God together. A church can provide a supportive environment to learn about Jesus and grow in your faith. 4. Attend Bible Studies and Small Groups: Bible studies and small groups are a great way to connect with other believers and learn more about Jesus. These groups often provide a more intimate setting to ask questions and discuss topics related to Jesus. 5. Serve Others: Jesus taught that serving others is an essential part of following Him. Look for opportunities to serve in your community, church, or other organizations.

  1. How do you know if you know Jesus?

 Knowing Jesus is not just about having head knowledge of who He is. It is about having a personal relationship with Him. Here are some signs that you may have a personal relationship with Jesus: 1. You have a desire to read the Bible and learn more about Jesus. 2. You have a desire to pray and communicate with God. 3. You have a desire to serve others and share your faith with others. 4. You experience peace, joy, and love in your life, even in difficult circumstances. 5. You have a sense of purpose and direction in your life

  1. How can I personally get to know God?

Getting to know God is similar to getting to know Jesus. Here are some tips on how to get started: 1. Read the Bible: The Bible is the best source of information about God. Start reading the Bible, specifically the Old and New Testaments. 2. Pray: Prayer is how we communicate with God. Ask God to reveal Himself to you and to help you understand His word. 3. Attend Church: A church is a community of believers who worship and serve God together. Attend church services and get involved in church activities. 4. Connect With Other Believers: Connect with other Christians who can support and encourage you on your journey. 5. Obey God’s Commands: God has given us commands to follow. Obeying God’s commands shows our love for Him.

  1. What does God say about getting to know Him?

 God desires that we know Him and have a personal relationship with Him. In the Bible, God says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). God also says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Getting to know God requires seeking Him with all our hearts and drawing near to Him.