18 Tips to Get a Clutter Free Bedroom Fast and How to Keep it That Way

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Are you tired of waking up to a cluttered and chaotic bedroom? Do you struggle to find your favorite pair of shoes or your phone charger amidst the mess? If so, it’s time to take control of your bedroom and declutter like a pro. The key to an organized and peaceful bedroom is having the right tools and products. In this blog post, we will explore some must-have organization products that will transform your bedroom into a clutter-free haven. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a perfectly organized space. Let’s dive in!

Why Having a Decluttered Bedroom Matters

  1. Improves Your Sleep Hygiene – Walking into your cleaned and picked up room after a long day eases and relaxes your mind, and puts you into a zen-like state.  
  2. Cluttered Bedrooms Bring the Busyness of Life Into Your Place of Relaxation – (Side note) Make sure no phones are present in the bedroom if you want a good night’s sleep.  I would spend hours on my phone before going to bed, so I bought an alarm clock. 🙂 
  3. Less to Actually Clean – When the surfaces are all clear there is less for you to actually wipe down and do.  
  4. You Only Allow Quality Objects In  – You start to love your bedroom looking and feeling this way so much that you are more aware of things brought into your bedroom that you don’t love and you’re more likely to get rid of them. 
  5. Make Some Money!:) – When you get rid of items you can make some good money on resale sites!
  6. Create Your Haven of Solace – Our mental wellbeing is connected to our home.  The more organized it is, the more clear our thought processes.  ← That point right there alone for me gets me wanting to ORGANIZE! =D 

Things Professional Organizers Refuse to Have in their Bedroom

  1. The Chair – It’s just one more thing to put clothes on.  Don’t have it!
  2. Uncomfortable Bedding – Why would you want that?  These are the BEST sheets that I have ever slept in.  Please check them out, they are a little expensive, but they will last a lifetime!  
  3. Knicknacks – This is a good cause for more clutter.
  1. Paperwork – Try HARD not to work in your bedroom. Remember it’s your oasis and place of zen.  Don’t remind yourself of the busy life you live by keeping paperwork in your bedroom.  
  1. Exercise Equipment – Find a different place to exercise.  This is also a cause of clutter, or just guilt when you see it and realize you have skipped your workout for the 4th week in a row.:)
  1. Food – I know there are snack drawers trending on tick tock, but try to rid yourself of this too.  Eating before/during bed isn’t a good thing anyways, and you will save yourself from any unwanted pests.  
  1. Trash – This makes sense…I would add the TV as well to try to make your sleep even better.  Your bedroom should just be a place for reading and sleep.  

Tips From The Pros

Before we do anything —- IT’S PURGING TIME!

Make sure you take everything out of every drawer, every shelf, every closet and lay it on your bed.  Get rid of things you haven’t worn in a while and things you don’t love or need. 🙂

  1. Do a Regular Decluttering Sweep – Sometimes I get into buying things from Temu or Shein and honestly, I often don’t love the items because of the quality or the fact that they are too small!! If I didn’t clear that stuff out right away I would be overflowing with clothes.  Rule of thumb – never buy more hangers!  Get rid of something you already have when you want to put something new in your wardrobe.  This is easier said than done, but we got this!
  1. Keep the floors clean – If you like to wear bulky clothes like me and they usually end up on your floor when you go to bed, invest in some nice hangers for your wall!  My husband’s side of the bed is a different story ha!  Maybe I should get him some wall hangers….
  1. Use Trays, Bowls and Baskets to Contain Clutter – This is HUGE! The Home Edit girls talk about this constantly.  Once you’ve weeded down your stuff, you need to contain it.  This helps you understand if you have too much, and need to get rid of the stuff or not.  Like perfume..grab a pretty tray to put them all on and you’re good to go!
  1. Buy Furniture with Storage – YEEEEES! If you have room for a bench at the foot of your bed for example, buy a deep one that opens up and maybe that is where you can put your sweatpants and bulky sweatshirts too! A good nightstand with storage is awesome too.  Click here for some awesome examples.
  1. Reorganize Your Space – If you can and it all makes sense go for it!  If your bed is in the corner, move it to the middle so you can have a nightstand on each side.  If you can fit your dresser in the closet then do it to free up floor space!
  1. Utilize Wall Space – Example – Those hangers I talked about earlier.  
  1. Declutter Surfaces – YEAH!  If you have too many books, get a bookshelf.  Leave the book you’re reading by your bed, but put the rest away.  
  1. Take Advantage of Ceiling Space – We are talking about the ceiling in your closet for example. Build a shelf up top for items you rarely use.  Like my husband’s shoes…ALL…my husband’s..shoes ha..ha. 
  1. Pick Pretty Containers – Going back to containing things, buy baskets that match.  Containers that look pretty.  The Home Edit is AMAZING at this.  Marie Kondo, not so much, but it’s ALL good! 🙂I have also heard to opt for lidded storage so everything isn’t out in the open.  
  1. Pick a Multi Use Nightstand – This goes back to the furniture/storage buying, but some nightstands are decked out with things that will help us stay decluttered!
  1. Purge Jewelry – I have A LOT of earrings..CRAZY earrings..but I wear every single pair.:) Below is the best solution if you’re like me from Amazon. :). I don’t even have to take the backs off the earrings anymore!:)
  1. Stash Seasonal Extras, and Under the Bed Storage – Yeah!  Get a nice roll out tote and put seasonal items or things you don’t really want your kids ever finding in there.  I remember when I found something once as a kid in my parents bedroom…it was awful….

10. Try A Wardrobe Wall – If you have the space and the money, built in storage walls are really nice.  Place a rod in the wall you built and BAM! You have just created a coziness to your room that might not have been there to begin with.  

11. Keep Display Items to a Minimum – Sometimes when we have little things everywhere our rooms can look cluttered.  Opt for bigger display items instead of a bunch of little ones.  

12. Use the Back of Your Closet Door! – This is gold!  There are so many cute storage things that can go on the back of your closet door and create more space in your closet.  

13. Use Drawer Dividers – This will keep everything contained and orderly.  You will know where everything is, it will encourage you to fold, and you will know right away if you have too much.  Click here to check out my favorites.

14. Donate Clothes – Always have a box somewhere in your closet (maybe on the high shelf) that is meant for donating.  You may try something on and realize it isn’t what you wanted (like I do a lot) and instead of putting it back on the hanger, throw it in the box.  

The Best Products to Help Your Room Get and Stay Organized

  1. Multifunctional Furniture
  1. Cute Containers/Baskets aka things to CONTAIN your items in general.
  1. Wall Storage
  1. Drawer Storage

When it all comes down to it, just having a system for your bedroom that helps it stay decluttered is what we want.  You can purge your clothes and clear off surfaces once, but that doesn’t mean it will stay that way.  Make sure you have system’s in place, and stay on top of those clothes and that stuff so it doesn’t become cluttered again.  If it does, oh well, take a before picture, tidy up, take an after picture and marvel at the awesome job you did. 🙂 

Have any tips or tricks on keeping your bedroom clean?  PLEASE comment below, I would love to hear more strategies and what is working for people. Thank you so much for taking the time to check this out!:)