The Top 11 Tips of Decluttering Your Workspace and Why It Matters

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Sometimes things are even more hectic at work than they are at home.  When you go to work seeing piles of stuff everywhere is an instant reminder of just how hectic work is, and why would you want that to start your day?  

Why A Decluttered Workspace Matters

  1. Increased Productivity – When clutter isn’t surrounding you, you legit feel like you can get more things done!
  1. Peace of Mind – Clear work spaces give you a feeling of control even in the midst of a crazy schedule. 
  1. You Take Better Care of Your Stuff – You tend to take more pride in what you have and what you do because you’re taking care of your area and everything that you use every day.  It makes us appreciate what we have even more.  

Here is an awesome 5 minute video on decluttering your workspace 

11 Tips for Decluttering Your Workspace

  1. Remove Everything – get rid of everything you have and put it in a pile in the middle of the floor.  Discard the things you don’t absolutely need. 
  2. Check to see if you need a rearrangement – Sometimes a change in scenery is just the thing you need.  
  3. Use dividers and shelves wisely – If you have deep shelves, make sure you have deep containers so things don’t get lost in the back of your shelves.  
  4. Put Items that you use a lot in easy to reach spaces – This one is pretty self explanatory. 
  5. Clean weekly – Make sure that you keep dusting and cleaning once everything is put away where it belongs. 
  6. Organize it based on practicality – If you use a heavy item and you put it on the top shelf it just won’t make sense to put it there.  
  7. Sort by “keep,” “recycle/trash,” and “belongs elsewhere” – Grab three boxes and if you have too much stuff for the box, just take things out to your car and tell yourself you will drop it off at goodwill on your way home.  
  8. Get a spot where the cables go and they LOOK GOOD. – I have a really awesome thing that I use that I will link below.  
  9. Take a Before and After – There is nothing more satisfying than seeing before and after videos!!! It’s just like, “Yes, I did that:)”
  10. Downsize papers and create an organized folder – I will send another link to what I’m talking about below.  
  11. Develop discipline to stay Organized – Clutter is easily able to come back.  Remember that, and keep your desk CLEAR.  

Items That are PERFECT for office organization

  1. Minimalist movable bookshelf – Use Link for discount –> for Minimalist movable bookshelf (I like the mint green personally 🙂   
  2. 7 Tier Desk File Organizer

3. Plastic desk drawer organizer set divider – Make sure everything is CONTAINED. That way you don’t overbuy and you tend not to overflow this way either.

4. Desk Organizer and File Sorter

5. File Organizer Box – I have a little one of these that I keep in my safe for important stuff. MAN is it nice to be able to find everything once I look through it!

6. L Shaped Computer Desk – My dad had this and it was SUCH a great use of space!

7. Madesa Computer Desk with 3 drawers, 1 door and 1 storage shelf

8. Wood Phone Docking Station – This has a whole lot more to it than just being your phone holder.

9. Laptop Docking Station for Duel Monitor – Finally a place to put all of your chords!:)

10. Wooden Desktop Organizer

These organizing products may not be the best for you in your space so feel free to search up your own materials. Seriously, I didn’t even pay attention to the amount of money I spent on organizing materials only because I bought what I NEEDED to feel more productive. In the long run, you are saving money, but figuring out a system where you will always know where everything is, and you won’t feel like you have to buy things again because you lost something.


  1. What is the 20 minute rule of decluttering?

You should consider letting go of an item if: You can replace it for less than $20. And you can replace it in less than 20 minutes.

2. How do you declutter a work office?

Read the post above to find out how.

3. What is the golden rule of decluttering?

Use up all the space in your home to make the most of it, including the vertical space.

4. What is the 333 decluttering method?

Wear only 33 articles of clothing in the next 3 months.

5. What is the 12, 12, 12 rule for decluttering?

Locate 12 items to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to be returned to their proper home.

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