7 Life Changing Habits To Keeping a Clean and Tidy Home

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I know how I feel when things are neat, tidy, and clean.  I also know how I feel when they aren’t.  I discovered something recently by the Clutterbug youtuber that I need to share because I think it will help someone else who just can’t keep up with household chores, is a working mom, and just wants to feel more in control of their life and the things around them!

Here are the 7 Habits that will help you keep a Clean and Tidy Home

  1. Clean the Kitchen After Supper

This is a non-negotiable.  No one is supposed to go anywhere, watch a show or do anything before the kitchen is totally clean. It doesn’t matter if you are sick or busy, this is something that will help you SO much in the long run.  It isn’t fun to wake up with a pile of dishes from the night before that you have to do. 

  1. Have a 10-15 Minute Tidy Up Right Before Bed

This is also non-negotiable.  Just run around and pick up things that were left out, pay the bills that are on the table.  Straighten up the pillows on the couch.  You will wake up feeling SO much happier and grateful that you did yourself the favor of picking up the night before.  

  1. Never Leave a Room Empty Handed

We can procrastinate SO much when it comes to picking up, and in my house I feel like there is ALWAYS something I can grab and put away whether it’s my child’s toy that belongs upstairs, or a dirty pair of socks that belong in the washer.  There is always something you can pick up and put away when you leave a room I feel like.  If you don’t see anything, feel free to go into another room and grab dishes or whatever you can find to put away. Once we get this concept it is pretty amazing how much tidier our house will be!

  1. Clear Kitchen Counters

This is super hard work at first, but it is magical! There is something that happens in our brain that tells us not to keep setting things down if a counter is clear.  I like to unload the dishwasher and leave the dishes to dry on my counter, but that’s about it.  I noticed this trick doesn’t quite work on my husband, but as you will see later, it isn’t about him and what he wants when it comes to having a tidy and picked up home.  Have a spot for his wallet that is his go to, if it bugs you, make sure you do something about it.  Remember, clutter attracts clutter, it is way easier to keep the clutter away once you find homes for things that are out. Once you’ve managed the kitchen counters, try your bathroom or your bedroom!

  1. Use a One Product Wonder

Use one product that works on almost any surface, and just take it around your house with a norwex cloth to just spruce up the place!  There are lots of things you can use.  I would just use Meyer’s All Purpose Cleaner for this.  This will also help you clear tables if your goal is to wipe down areas in your house!

  1. 21 Item Toss 

Once a month, go after 21 items to help you not accumulate more clutter.  You don’t have to overthink this because it can just be empty shampoo bottles. It’s the perfect number because it’s big enough to get your out of your comfort zone, but small enough that it feels doable.  It won’t help you do a huge declutter, but it WILL help you not accumulate more clutter.  

  1. Be The Hero Of Your Own Home

This is my favorite tip that was mind blowing when I heard it.  You are the one that is in control of your environment.  Change your mindset and the way you talk to yourself about housework.  When my house has clutter everywhere I used to be really resentful at my husband for not helping me out as much, but I can’t make my family care as much as I do.  I can do this as a gift to tomorrow’s me.  You begin to see cleaning your house as a form of self care and self love. You get to put on the cap and save YOURSELF.  Eventually you will look forward to it, not at first, but it will come!  I used to be a weekend warrior and want to clean and do everything on Sunday’s, but Sunday’s are for rest, and if I can get things done throughout the week, Sunday won’t be so grueling.  

I feel like if you have read this to the end it means that you are like me, and enjoy or WANT to have a clutter free and clean home.  Here is my encouragement to you, you might not get everything you plan on getting done every day, but you are TRYING and that is all that matters.  Do it enough to be addicted to the feeling you get when you pick up or wash that window your dog is always licking.  It is never a bad thing to clean and pick up, just make sure you remember you are gifting YOURSELF and no one else can do it as well as you can. 🙂

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