5 Reasons to Forgive

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“Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.” That is a quote from Denzel Washington. This is so true, but not letting your own demons take over and develop a root of bitterness in your heart towards the people you haven’t forgiven also needs to be addressed. Knowing that Jesus laid down His life so that WE could have the ability to forgive others also means that it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter what they’ve done. If you get close enough to Him and hear His voice He will always tell us to forgive and let it go.

  1. We will be a slave to the bondage of bitterness. It’s not fun to be enslaved in our hearts. Look to Him who is the author of life and giver of Peace. God knows that true freedom comes with forgiveness even in the worst situations. Our days are numbered and precious moments will be ruined if you choose to sit in that suck.
  2. Jesus had mercy on the worst of the worst, He prayed for them and asked God to forgive them. Remember that the people who offended you are dry cups and if they really knew who they were in Christ they wouldn’t have done what they did. God calls us to HAVE MERCY on them, but we can’t do this without being fully surrendered to Him.
  3. Our hearts will harden, and the purpose that God has for us will be lost because we will become a shell of the person He intended us to be.
  4. God won’t forgive us. I remember my husband being shocked when I said this once, but in Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus says, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
  5. We move farther away from God. I had a dream once where there were 2 Demons trying to attack me, so I commanded them to be gone in Jesus name and they became humans again. I sat down to talk to them and it turns out that they were both full of bitterness about something. That’s what we become spiritually when we are in unforgiveness. We fight on the side of the devil and he is pleased.

A pastor told me a story about a girl in another country that had her family killed because they wouldn’t renounced Jesus. She was hiding and watched the horrific seen from the bushes. She had a grudge against God that she didn’t even know was so severe until this pastor was preaching about forgiveness in church one day as he was traveling.

He felt like he needed to calm down because he was literally yelling at the congregation (which included her), but he couldn’t stop. She ended up standing up and started vomiting because her demons and the bitterness that was strangling her were letting go. She had a peace in her heart afterwards that she hadn’t felt in years since her family was killed.

You can choose to hold on to unforgiveness and everyone that has worldy wisdom would say you’re doing the right thing, but Godly wisdom says, “Love conquers ALL things.” Forgiveness is one of the keys to Living Your Best Life. I hope you choose to pursue it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Click on the video to hear the story of the girl from the pastor himself below.

