4 Takeaways from Atomic Habits by James Clear that Changed My Life!

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I was told that this book is well worth the read, and I was NOT disappointed! Here are the things that I started implementing right away..

  1. Tie something you need to do with something you want to do – If I’m being honest I have done this in multiple areas of my life, so here are a few. Exercise right away in the morning and reward yourself with quiet time, tea/coffee, and books afterwards. So anytime I would like to have quiet time I need to exercise first in order to have that. The next one is sitting in my living room after the kids go to bed WITHOUT snacks/food (that is the need habit), the want habit to follow is that my husband tickles my back or gives me a massage as incentive for not stuffing my face! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Take the thing you want to stop doing AWAY, and make it not even visible. – I was struggling with eating junk, and when I read that I just started putting the junk food in the SUPER cupboard we have, or just getting rid of it completely. The same works for video game counsels, scrolling on your phone at night, etc. Just get it out of site if you don’t want the temptation.
  3. Change your environment – If you normally struggle with something in a particular place or setting, just change the rooms. If it’s a struggle for you to go to bed, make sure that the only thing you start doing in your bedroom is sleeping and nothing else. My bedroom is now my oasis. I have pre-lit Christmas trees to create a very relaxing vibe (even though it’s November) and they have really been working out for me. ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. A Little bit is better than nothing – Even though you had 10 minutes of a sub par workout, it is better than not doing a thing because if you want to identify as someone who works out, just 10 minutes still gets the job done for you.

Everyone is different, and maybe none of this works for you. Find out more about self-love and self-care on my website https://ericakoster.com

Click on Atomic Habits to find the book on Amazon.