13 Tips On How to Avoid Junk Food

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It’s no secret that junk food is delicious, but it’s also no secret that it’s not good for you. The high sugar, salt, and fat content can lead to weight gain, health problems, and a general feeling of sluggishness. However, it can be hard to resist the temptation of junk food, especially when it’s so readily available. 

Here are some tips on how to reduce cravings of junk food, come up with a plan to eat healthier foods, stay away from junk food in general, and the top supplements to take in order to reduce cravings. 

1. Identify Your Triggers and Stressors: The first step in reducing your cravings for junk food is to identify your triggers. Do you crave junk food when you’re stressed, bored, or tired? Understanding what triggers your cravings can help you come up with strategies to combat them. When they happen, call a friend, go for a run, pop a piece of gum in your mouth so you’re less tempted to eat something.  Remember – When we comfort eat (eat when we aren’t hungry) we are just trying to change how we FEEL in the present moment, recognize that and try to do something OTHER than sitting and eating.  

2. Make a Plan: Once you’ve identified your triggers, make a plan to eat healthier foods. Start by making a list of healthy foods that you enjoy. Then, plan your meals and snacks in advance so that you always have healthy options available. Keep healthy snacks on hand, such as cut-up veggies, fruit, nuts, or whole-grain crackers. 

3. Eat Regular Meals to Avoid Getting Too Hungry: If you’re too hungry, your brain tells you to respond to any food you see.  Skip the fad diets and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

4. Drink WATER first and Eliminate Sugar Sweetened Beverages: Sugary drinks may lead to weight gain, plus many have addicting factors in them.  Try drinking your water goal first and then maybe have one pleasure beverage at the end of the night.  

5. Consume Snacks That Are Nutritious and Low in Calories: Pick healthy foods you enjoy eating so your stomach and brain are satisfied in between meals and during. Veggie sticks and hummus for example are a good choice.  Check out this article for more ideas.

6. Get Plenty of Sleep: Researchers found that people who slept 3-5 hours a night ate more, had appetites for sugary foods and gained more weight than those who slept the regular 7-8 hours.  Make sure this is not another thing you have to battle against.  

7. Realize The Bad Part About Marketing: Slick marketing on the television, internet, and other forms of media make junk food extremely enticing.  Make sure you are aware of what the media is trying to do so you can stay away from it!

8. Gradually Cut Back: Going cold turkey may not be the best approach for everyone. Instead, try gradually cutting back on junk food. Start by replacing one junk food item per day with a healthier option. Over time, you’ll be able to reduce your intake of junk food and replace it with healthier alternatives.

9. Non-Food Related Rewards: When you quit eating junk food, it’s important to reward yourself in non-food related ways. Treat yourself to a massage, a new outfit, bath, or a weekend getaway. These rewards will help keep you motivated and on track to reaching your health goals.

10. Try a Meal Replacement Shake: Meal replacement shakes can be a great option for those who struggle with cravings. They’re designed to provide all the necessary nutrients your body needs, while also satisfying your hunger and reducing cravings for unhealthy foods. Look for shakes that are high in protein and low in sugar. Five of the best of the best meal replacement shakes include: 1. Shaekeology (one I have personally used for YEARS and LOVE), 2. Ka’Chava , 3. Transform HQ, 4. Raw Generation, 5. Ketologie KetoCollagen Shake

11. Stay Away From It:  One of the easiest ways to reduce your cravings for junk food is to simply stay away from it. Avoid keeping junk food in your home, and try to stay away from places that sell it, such as vending machines or convenience stores. Instead, shop for healthy foods at your local grocery store or farmer’s market and don’t shop when you’re hungry!

12. Try a Supplement That Helps Reduce Cravings: In addition to making healthy food choices and avoiding junk food, taking certain supplements can also help reduce cravings. Chromium picolinate, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics have all been shown to reduce cravings for sweets and other unhealthy foods. Consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements.

13. Try a Nutrition Plan for Food Addicts: Nutrition plans that are designed specifically for food addicts can be extremely helpful. These plans typically focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods and can help break the cycle of unhealthy eating. They may also include counseling or support groups to help address the underlying issues related to food addiction. The top nutrition plans that seem to have the most success are located within this article.

In conclusion, reducing cravings for junk food can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Identify your triggers, make a plan, stay away from junk food, and consider taking supplements to help reduce cravings. With these strategies, you’ll be on your way to a healthier, happier you.

Quitting a junk food addiction is a process that takes time and effort, but it’s worth it for your health and wellbeing. Gradually cut back on junk food, reward yourself in non-food related ways, try meal replacement shakes to reduce cravings, and consider following a nutrition plan designed for food addicts. With these strategies, you can break the cycle of unhealthy eating and lead a healthier, happier life, and that is Living Your Best Life. 🙂